
Hi. My name is Chanda Nederostek. All products listed are made solely by me. 

Back in 2019, after watching loads of soapy videos on utube, I decided to have a go at making a soap myself. I found a simple recipe and went out and got my first scale and stick blender. That day I soaped and soaped and soaped. There was no stopping. Before I realized it, my living room was filled with soap, folding tables, and equipment. I had no room to host company properly. I was giving away soaps and donating soaps as I worked on learning how to create my very own recipe. 

In 2021 I wanted to learn how to make body butter and it just kept going. It went from soap to body butter... then candles- Yes, candles. Not exactly sure where that came from. But I had seen videos of the pour and I just thought it looked so beautiful. By this time, I did begin selling. Mostly to people I knew, or a family member knew. Then I was able to get my products in a couple shops. I tried Etsy but it was difficult getting new customers. I have slowly grown my product line and am extremely confident about all my products. 

I had recently got a job making soap favors for a wedding. That was the start of my beginning, my motivation to share my products with you. Today is February 27, 2023, at 4:45pm, and I'm about ready to launch my website. I'm nervous but excited. I'm excited because I am now going to be able to share my products with you. I should mention though, my husband is my biggest cheerleader and none of this would be possible without his support.

I use sustainable, quality ingredients only. Quality is most important. So, I hope you love everything as much as I do. I sincerely thank you for visiting my site. It's an absolute privilege to have you here.